;This program will replace the XG-drum notes that are outside the GM-definition range Define NewNote Numeric ForEachStyle PrintLine StyleName ForEachPart ForEachTrack If DrumTrack = 1 ForEachEvent If EventType = 1 ;Note-on Let NewNote = DataByte1 If DataByte1 = 13 Let NewNote = 64 Endif If DataByte1 = 14 Let NewNote = 48 Endif If DataByte1 = 15 Let NewNote = 62 Endif If DataByte1 = 16 Let NewNote = 39 Endif If DataByte1 = 17 Let NewNote = 69 Endif If DataByte1 = 18 Let NewNote = 69 Endif If DataByte1 = 19 Let NewNote = 62 Endif If DataByte1 = 20 Let NewNote = 62 Endif If DataByte1 = 21 Let NewNote = 37 Endif If DataByte1 = 22 Let NewNote = 75 Endif If DataByte1 = 23 Let NewNote = 75 Endif If DataByte1 = 24 Let NewNote = 75 Endif If DataByte1 = 25 Let NewNote = 69 Endif If DataByte1 = 26 Let NewNote = 46 Endif If DataByte1 = 27 Let NewNote = 42 Endif If DataByte1 = 28 Let NewNote = 46 Endif If DataByte1 = 29 Let NewNote = 46 Endif If DataByte1 = 30 Let NewNote = 37 Endif If DataByte1 = 31 Let NewNote = 38 Endif If DataByte1 = 32 Let NewNote = 37 Endif If DataByte1 = 33 Let NewNote = 35 Endif If DataByte1 = 34 Let NewNote = 40 Endif If DataByte1 = 82 Let NewNote = 70 Endif If DataByte1 = 83 Let NewNote = 54 Endif If DataByte1 = 84 Let NewNote = 58 Endif Let DataByte1 = NewNote UpdateEvent Endif NextEvent EndIf NextTrack NextPart SaveStyle NextStyle